12VAC Automatic Large Egg Turner for Hova Bator incubators. Ship FREE in USA
12VAC Automatic Large Egg Turner for Hova Bator incubators. Ship FREE in USA
1614M Automatic Large Turner

12VAC Automatic Large Egg Turner. FREE Shipping in the U.S.A. except Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

During incubation, eggs must be turned several times a day to prevent the yolk from settling to one side and the exercise the embryo. Turning the eggs by hand is the most demanding and time consuming part of egg incubation. Save yourself the trouble by setting your eggs with an automatic turner. This turner can be used in any current model Hova-Bator incubator.

For use with larger eggs such as duck, turkey and goose.

Comes with instructions on how to configure racks in turner.

Each Large Egg Turner holds a total of 3 Racks to set approximately 12 duck eggs or 9 to 12 Goose eggs depending on actual egg size.

Uses 12VAC

Reference Price:$78.99   Click to Order
More Information:1614M Automatic Large Turner - Table Top Accessories - GQF 1614M Automatic Large Egg Turner

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